THE ANNUAL BISHOP ROSECRANS HOLIDAY BAZAAR will be held on Saturday, December 3 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Bishop Rosecrans High School. They will have vendors with arts and crafts, jewelry, baked goods, and so much more. Something for everyone on your Christmas List, and a full concession stand with homemade soups and sandwiches. For more information, contact us via email holidaybazaarbrhs@
New Women's Scripture Study – Exalted: The Consortium Women’s Group would love to invite all ladies to our group. We are starting the women’s Scripture study Exalted, authored by Sonya Corbitt. In this book study, we will be exploring how the Magnificat can transform us. The books are available through Amazon (use AmazonSmile to order) or Ave Marie Press. We meet the first and third Saturday of the month. Our meetings begin at 8:00 a.m. and last until 9:30 a.m. in the Lower Level of the PCC. Please consider joining us, bring a friend, we would love to see you! Contact Ruth in the office at 740-342-1348 or Nancy Hammond at if you have any questions
St. Rose Roof Project Update: General Restoration Corp. is due to have scaffolding assembled around the Church between August 15-August 22. Once the project commences, work is expected to last around eight weeks. Sunday morning Mass and any Saturday Weddings scheduled should not be affected. The contractor has indicated some flexibility with their work schedule should a funeral Mass need to be offered at the Church. The contractor will install the necessary safety fall-barriers around the side entrances. Please take notice of any posted safety warnings.
If you are someone who enjoys stopping into Church in the middle of the day to pray, please contact the Consortium office for arrangements. We are looking into having a keypad lock with code installed for your convenience and safety.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION at Holy Trinity School is open for Perry County Consortium students. Please call Holy Trinity School at 740-743-1324 or stop in at the school office for information.
Interim Mass Schedule” which will go into effect on Saturday, July 2. The anticipated times are mentioned again here and will be posted in each Church: Beginning July 2, until October: Saturday Vigil Masses 4:00 p.m. St. Bernard 6:00 p.m. Church of the Atonement Sunday Masses: 8:30 a.m. St. Rose 10:30 a.m. St. Patrick. (Times will change in the Fall.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED in Ukraine where there are already more than 2.9 million people in need of assistance! You may make a donations through Catholic Relief Services by going to or if you prefer to donate through your parish, be sure to mark the envelope UKRAINE
THE BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL has begun for 2022. Please determine how much you can give. It takes 100 percent participation of the Parish to make this campaign a success. As an added incentive to give to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, any money that exceeds our goal will go directly back into our Parishes. Envelopes are in the pews and in the back of all the churches. You may put your envelope in the collection or mail it directly to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Thank you for your generosity.
$10,000 CAN BE YOURS! Purchase your raffle tickets NOW for this year’s Fisher Catholic Bid O’Luck Dinner Auction on Saturday, April 30, 2022. Start the fun early with ONLINE bidding for the Silent Auction and Super Silent Auction! Bidding STARTS Thursday, April 28 at 8:00 a.m. Silent Auction will END on Saturday, April 30 at 8:30 p.m. Super Silent Auction will END on Saturday, April 30 at 9:30 p.m. Contact Kellie Shonk to register to bid online. The Grand Auction IS NOT available for online bidding. IN PERSON bidding for The Grand Auction will START on Saturday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. right after the dinner! Pot-of-Gold Raffle Tickets are available up to Friday, April 29 at 3:00 p.m. The drawing for raffle winners will be on Saturday, April 30 the night of the dinner auction. Contact Kellie Shonk at 740-654-1231 or email
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL UPDATE We are pleased to announce that the SVDP Center will open for clothing distribution on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 9:00 a.m.- noon, starting November 2, 2021. Masks will be required for all people who enter the Center. Food distribution will continue each Tuesday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at St. Bernard’s Social Hall.
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 19, 2021 Real Presence, Real Future reflections: Seeing God in All Creation by Dcn. Tom Berg, Jr., St. Andrew Parish One Sunday morning recently at my parish, I saw a small child burst into sheer delight when he saw out the front door heavy snow falling. He pointed, jumped up and down, shouting, “Snow! Snow! Look! Snow.” As he tugged excitedly on his father’s sleeve and pointed, I realized he saw more than frozen water crystals fluttering down from the gray sky overhead. That joy lightened my own heart, and I went outside and enjoyed the snow for a moment, too. The human heart has a natural yearning for God and the transcendence of our Lord’s creation. This fourth Sunday of Advent, with Christmas nearly here, let our hearts and minds turn to thoughts of God and the holiness we can see in all that He created. Let us also pray that our Real Presence, Real Future planning initiative leads us to a deeper understanding of God’s plan and will for our Diocese as well. For more about the life of faith and discipleship in the Diocese of Columbus.
CATHOLIC MEN’S LUNCHEON CLUB – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Father Michael Hartge will address Catholic Men's Luncheon Club on Friday, November 5, 2021. Please join us Friday, November 5 at St. Patrick Church in downtown Columbus for lunch and to hear Father Michael Hartge, Moderator of the Curia, speak about the Columbus Diocese’ Real Presence, Real Future initiative. Holy Mass (optional) begins at 11:45 a.m. followed by lunch at 12:10 p.m. and Father Hartge’s remarks. Free parking available in the Columbus State Grant Avenue parking lot (25-S) across the street from St. Patrick. No reservations are necessary. $10.00 covers the lunch and meeting. Bring a friend! For information on Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club, visit www.
CORONAVIRUS RELIEF GRANT: The Perry County Consortium of Catholic Parishes received a grant from the Catholic Foundation to give directly to needy families and individuals who have been financially impacted by the Coronavirus shut down. Some funds are still available. Please call the Rectory Office at 740- 342-1348. May God bless and protect those who have been generous in making this possible, and those who have been negatively affected by the shutdown due to the Coronavirus.
New Votive Candles at St. Rose In honor of the month of May being dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, we will have new votive candles in St. Rose Church. They are due to be in place near the front of Church, directly under the statues of Mary and Joseph. The glass holders for the candles are blue and gold, respectively (which so happens to be the colors of our school). These candle stands were given at no cost to the parish. The votive candles near St. Aloysius statue will remain. The suggested donation for lighting a votive candle is $3.00. Votive candles are a sacramental, used as an outward material sign of our prayer and love for God. “The consuming of the candle symbolizes the oblation (offering) of something of value to God: our time, our praise, our resources and so forth. The lingering quality of the candle symbolizes the fact that our prayers, praise and concerns continue in our heart even when we must leave the church. The flickering light also seems to say ‘Remember me, Lord, remember my prayer and those for whom I pray.’ (Msgr. Charles Pope, ‘Why Are Votive Candles Used?’)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 11, 2021 Real Presence, Real Future reflections: The Heart of Christian Vocation, Pamela Harris, Resurrection Parish and RPRF Commission member In this week’s Gospel, the apostles are chosen to participate in the salvific mission of Christ. They were given authority to preach and heal in His name across the land, to invite others to accept and believe in the Gospel. Our Christian vocation calls us into a contemplative life in Christ and living the teachings of the Gospel by our words and deeds. We are united in the Mystical Body of Christ through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As each day passes, let us continue to strive to live a life of holiness and continue the mission of Christ, to be missionary disciples. For more about how we are growing together in the life of faith and discipleship in the Diocese of Columbus
The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation granted by Bishop Brennan, which was to last at least through Sunday, September 13, 2020, has been extended indefinitely. This is in keeping with the indefinite dispensation throughout the rest of the Ohio Catholic Conference. Those who are in the high risk categories are encouraged to remain home. Those who are not feeling well or who are exhibiting Coronavirus type symptoms are expected to remain home. It remains in effect to observe safe social distancing by marking off pews, to wear masks in church, and to make use of sanitization procedures.
REGARDING FIRST HOLY COMMUNION FOR CHILDREN: This is for the parents of all our second graders doing Religious Education from home this year and who will be making their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion later this May. So far you have been receiving “Gospel Weeklies” which connects each weekend’s Mass readings with the lessons to be learned that week. These “Gospel Weeklies” will continue to be passed out for you to go through with your kids each week as part of this year’s “at-home” Sunday school. On January 10th, parents are asked to attend a meeting with Fr. Yakkel at 11:45 a.m. in St. Rose Church. At this meeting, we will discuss the program to be used specifically for sacramental preparation and a schedule will be handed out. The sacramental preparation will involve watching a series of videos with your kids each week leading up to First Reconciliation (Date TBA) and leading up to First Holy Communion (May 9, 2021). In addition to watching the videos at home with students each week, parents and students will be required to attend a few in-person meetings with Fr. Yakkel, all of which will be held Sundays at 11:45 a.m. in St. Rose Church. More information on all of this will be covered at the meeting on January 10th.
Low Gluten Host: If you have Celiac Disease or a gluten allergy and would prefer to receive low-gluten host, please let us know by signing the form in the back of all churches or calling the Rectory Office 740-342-1348
AmazonSmile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to St. Rose Church & School by shopping at or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app.