New Votive Candles at St. Rose In honor of the month of May being dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, we will have new votive candles in St. Rose Church. They are due to be in place near the front of Church, directly under the statues of Mary and Joseph. The glass holders for the candles are blue and gold, respectively (which so happens to be the colors of our school). These candle stands were given at no cost to the parish. The votive candles near St. Aloysius statue will remain. The suggested donation for lighting a votive candle is $3.00. Votive candles are a sacramental, used as an outward material sign of our prayer and love for God. “The consuming of the candle symbolizes the oblation (offering) of something of value to God: our time, our praise, our resources and so forth. The lingering quality of the candle symbolizes the fact that our prayers, praise and concerns continue in our heart even when we must leave the church. The flickering light also seems to say ‘Remember me, Lord, remember my prayer and those for whom I pray.’ (Msgr. Charles Pope, ‘Why Are Votive Candles Used?’)