One of the state-required items for every high school student to graduate is 2 earned Diploma Seals (along with completing the curricular requirements & proficiency on ELA and Algebra state-approved tests). One diploma seal must be from the state-approved list (Citizenship Seal, College-Ready Seal, Honors Diploma Seal, Industry-Recognized Credential Seal, Military Enlistment Seal, Science Seal, Technology Seal, or Biliteracy Seal. The second diploma seal must be school-approved (Community Service Seal, Student Engagement Seal, or Fine & Performing Arts Seal).
With the advent of every student's membership in an FC Guild and the opportunities to Encounter Christ while Helping Others (ECHOs) that are required of students, 100% of Fisher Catholic students receive the Community Service Seal. I don't know of any other high school that can boast this statistic! Occasionally students share that they "don't want to be forced to do work in the community", that they would do it on their own or that "ECHOs shouldn't be a requirement of Theology" because most would do it without the requirement. Rather than hoping for the service to occur, every FC student is required to help in their surrounding communities, and to see it as an opportunity to grow as a person and to better understand how to fit into the world. We want servicing others to be a habit of involvement of FC graduates that continues far beyond high school.
Just as Jesus shared the parable of the good Samaritan, we must share our time and talents in service to others. The familiar story of the Good Samaritan, a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, is robbed of everything and beaten. Continuing on his journey, albeit much more broken and disheartened, the good Samaritan came upon a person in dire need of help. Though he has little to share and even less energy to do so, he gives the man medical attention and takes him to an inn. The United Way created Community Care Day in 1997, as the way for those in our community to serve our community, to be good Samaritans. All FC students are part of Community Care Day. Our intention is that these experiences will enrich the lives of our students, familiarize them with our community, and provide connections to people and ideas that will positively impact their perspective and understanding of service.
This Thursday, September 12th, no school.
FC students will begin their day with breakfast at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds at 7:30. They will then move to assigned work sites for the day.
7:30am: student drop off at Fairfield County Fairgrounds
2:00pm: pick up at the assigned work site
For students who do NOT drive, every effort is being made to assign them to work at the Fairgrounds, allowing drop off and pick up at the same location.
Community Care Day is United Way’s signature volunteer event sending hundreds out to better Fairfield County. We are proud of our students being part of this effort. To serve God, is to follow the example of Jesus' life and earthly ministry to serve others. It is through service that we can truly express our love for God, for His creation and for one another.