CATHOLIC MEN’S LUNCHEON CLUB – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Father Michael Hartge will address Catholic Men's Luncheon Club on Friday, November 5, 2021. Please join us Friday, November 5 at St. Patrick Church in downtown Columbus for lunch and to hear Father Michael Hartge, Moderator of the Curia, speak about the Columbus Diocese’ Real Presence, Real Future initiative. Holy Mass (optional) begins at 11:45 a.m. followed by lunch at 12:10 p.m. and Father Hartge’s remarks. Free parking available in the Columbus State Grant Avenue parking lot (25-S) across the street from St. Patrick. No reservations are necessary. $10.00 covers the lunch and meeting. Bring a friend! For information on Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club, visit www.